Worship at church with other Christians is a key part of a believer's life.  You can't miss that when you read the Bible.  So much of Scripture describes - and encourages! - God's people coming together around his Word and sacraments.  The sacred author writes, "Let us not give up meeting together, as some are in the habit of doing..." (Hebrews 10:25). At church we grow in faith, receive God's grace, and encourage one another.

Worship at home is the foundation.  It's a truth that's easier to miss.  God entrusts the spiritual care of young people first and foremost to their parents at home.  God's people are encouraged to meditate on his Word day and night.  The Lord wants his people to gather together in church, but growth in faith was never meant to be limited to one or two hours a week.  It's to take place all week long at home.

We hope this page - a work in progress that will be added to as time goes on - provides helpful tools as you seek to grow in God's Word at home.  Follow the links below to different resources.

God promises us blessings and growth in our faith when regular Scripture reading is part of our lives.  Bible reading schedules can be helpful tools to give direction and rhythm to our reading.  For a schedule that will take you through the Bible in one year, click here.  For one that will help you read the Bible over the course of three years, click here.

Click on the link above for a page that features a monthly hymn, lyrics and recorded music for use at home. 

A page with some suggested prayers for throughout the day, as well as thoughts on teaching your children to pray.